Sylabus Backend Developer With Nodejs For Beginner

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Beginner Level - 16 Sessions

1Introduction to Node.jsSession 1
2Understanding ModulesSession 2
3Creating and Using Custom ModulesSession 3
4Basic Terminal Commands for Node.js DevelopmentSession 4
5Package Management with NPMSession 5
6Working with File System - Part 1Session 6
7Working with File System - Part 2Session 7
8Building a Simple HTTP Server - Part 1Session 8
9Building a Simple HTTP Server - Part 2Session 9
10Asynchronous Programming in Node.js - Part 1Session 10
11Asynchronous Programming in Node.js - Part 2Session 11
12Asynchronous Programming in Node.js - Part 3Session 12
13Introduction to Express.js - Part 1Session 13
14Introduction to Express.js - Part 2Session 14
15Building RESTful APIs - Part 1Session 15
16Building RESTful APIs - Part 2Session 16

Session Details

Session 1: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js?
  • Advantages of using Node.js
  • Installing Node.js and NPM
  • Running your first Node.js script

Session 2: Understanding Modules

  • What are modules in Node.js?
  • Importing and exporting modules
  • Using built-in modules

Session 3: Creating and Using Custom Modules

  • Writing your own modules
  • Organizing code into modules
  • Importing custom modules

Session 4: Basic Terminal Commands for Node.js Development

  • Introduction to the terminal
  • Common commands (pwd, ls, cd, mkdir, rm)
  • Navigating the file system

Session 5: Package Management with NPM

  • Introduction to NPM
  • Installing and using packages
  • Creating and understanding package.json

Session 6: Working with File System - Part 1

  • Introduction to the fs module
  • Reading files
  • Writing to files

Session 7: Working with File System - Part 2

  • Working with directories
  • Handling file paths
  • Deleting files and directories

Session 8: Building a Simple HTTP Server - Part 1

  • Introduction to HTTP
  • Creating a basic server
  • Handling requests and responses

Session 9: Building a Simple HTTP Server - Part 2

  • Serving static files
  • Understanding status codes
  • Sending JSON responses

Session 10: Asynchronous Programming in Node.js - Part 1

  • Introduction to callbacks
  • Handling asynchronous operations with callbacks
  • Callback hell and how to avoid it

Session 11: Asynchronous Programming in Node.js - Part 2

  • Introduction to Promises
  • Creating and using Promises
  • Converting callbacks to Promises

Session 12: Asynchronous Programming in Node.js - Part 3

  • Introduction to async/await
  • Using async/await with Promises
  • Error handling in async/await

Session 13: Introduction to Express.js - Part 1

  • What is Express.js?
  • Setting up an Express.js server
  • Basic routing with Express.js

Session 14: Introduction to Express.js - Part 2

  • Understanding middleware
  • Using middleware in Express.js
  • Creating custom middleware

Session 15: Building RESTful APIs - Part 1

  • REST API principles
  • Setting up RESTful endpoints
  • Handling GET requests

Session 16: Building RESTful APIs - Part 2

  • Handling POST, PUT, and DELETE requests
  • Validating request data
  • Sending proper responses

This plan provides a structured and comprehensive introduction to Node.js, spanning 16 sessions. Each session is designed to be concise, with a focus on foundational concepts and practical examples. Adjustments can be made based on specific needs or additional topics of interest.